A sense of entitlement is one
of the greatest enemies to the spiritual life. When we cease to give thanks for
everything as a gift from God, we cease to be truly Eucharistic. The priestly
flow of offering-receiving-thanking is interrupted when we come to think of
ourselves as in any way entitled.
It is precisely this
entitlement mentality that sits at the heart of many of the world’s injustices.
Those who have great riches, power, and privilege are unlikely ever to share
these gifts or use them for the Gospel’s sake if they think of them as personal
possessions. Those who seek what they do not have are tempted to grasp them by
right, rather than affirm them as gifts offered to all people by God.
What is needed is a regular
practice of humility and gratitude in prayer, restoring the Eucharistic and
priestly dimension to our daily life through intentional acts of regular gratitude
to God.
Unfortunately, our era is not
particularly adept in this sort of prayer. We are often far more focused on
rights and demands than on humility and gratitude. Perhaps this is why
contemporary church life seems so mired in ideological battles rather than
gripping the imaginations and hopes of many people. Yet, this can easily change
when faithful Christians began to pray humbly.
As is so often the case, we
are well served here to cast our hearts and eyes over the treasury of Christian
experience. Here, we meet forms of prayer that at first seem odd, even
uncomfortable, but (when given time to speak to us) reveal a wisdom our own era
lacks. Bishop Lancelot Andrewes, writing in the 16th and 17th
centuries, did exactly this.
Andrewes combined passages
from the Sacred Scriptures, the writings of the Early and Medieval Church, as
well as his own experience as a Christian and a pastor in order to create rich
prayers contemplating the deeper mysteries of our faith. He also reflected on
his own struggles with pride, covetousness, lust, anger, &c., so that his
work tells of a truly lived
Christianity…not a “theoretical” faith.
Below is an adaptation of one
of Andrewes’ Acts of Thanksgiving.
Try praying it deeply. Don’t get “hung up” on the language of being a sinner—so
uncomfortable to those schooled in self-esteem—but allow the truth of one’s
complete lack of entitlement to speak to your soul. Be freed by accepting all
as a gift. Come before God without any sense of deserving anything, so that you
may embrace the absolute, the extraordinary gift
of your life, your knowledge of God, your salvation in Christ, and all God’s
blessings (known and unknown, desired and unwanted, remembered and forgotten).
Make this a regular part of
prayer, so that gradually—and by God’s grace alone—all sense of entitlement in
your life may be exposed and eradicated. Then, the Gospel will shine through
you as it does the glass of a window…giving light to all who encounter you, and
illuminating your soul with received joy.
+ + +
Act of Thanksgiving for God’s Blessings
My soul praises the Lord for
the good things he has done
[here, add
specific thanksgivings].
Day by day, for these your
mercies unto me, which I remember,
for others, exceedingly numerous,
forgotten by reason of their multitude and
by reason of my forgetfulness
Those given when I am
willing, knowing, asking;
those given when I am not asking, unaware,
I confess and give thanks to
I bless and praise you as is
due every day,
and with all my soul and mind I vow:
Glory to you, O Lord, glory
to you,
Glory to you and glory to
your all-holy Name
For all your divine
For your inexpressible and
unimaginable goodness and mercy
to sinners and the unworthy,
And to me, of all sinners
altogether the most unworthy:
yes, O Lord, for these and for the rest
Glory and praise and blessing
and thanksgiving
by the voices and concert of voices,
both of angels and humans and
of all your saints in heaven and of
all your creation whether in heaven or on
or under their feet,
Of me, the unworthy and
miserable sinner,
your lowly creature,
Both now, in this day and hour,
and every day unto my last breath,
and unto the end of the world
and for ever and ever. Amen
-- adapted from “A Particular Thanksgiving” by Bp. Andrewes