Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Litany for Social Justice

The icon of the Resurrection is a portrait of God's justice...which is about
restoration, not only retribution.

The following litany (adapted from an old form in the St. Augustine's Prayer Book) is a small devotional tool for use by Christians wishing to integrate the issue of justice into their daily prayer life. This litany might be used in conjunction with one's Friday Devotion, or as part of a regular intercession time, with space set aside for considering particular matters of injustice prior to saying the litany. It could also be used at a gathering on the topic of Justice, a day of prayer and fasting for a particular matter of justice, or a prayer walk in a neighborhood at risk.

It is common for people today to place prayer and action as antagonists. One hears that action, not prayer, is the essential thing. This is wrong. The prayer of Christ to the Father on behalf of the world is continuous, and the Church is only fully alive to its mission when its members enter into that prayer, doing Christ's will for justice, mercy, and peace in our own lives of service. Our public worship and personal prayer is never disconnected from Christ's prayer to the Father. Our witness to the unique justice of God made known in the Gospel must be connected to that prayer for it to be authentic and godly. Indeed, our prayer informs our action so that it might be truly Christ's justice...not just more of the same human "justice" that is really so often only retribution by another name.

However you use this prayer, remember not to pray only that others will learn to live in accord with the Gospel; pray that you yourself will do so. Only when we ourselves are able to see our own poverty and neediness will we be able to minister the authentic Gospel of Christ, and not just an ideological, worldly counterfeit. We cannot demand of others what we are unwilling to do ourselves.

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A Litany of Social Justice

O God the Father of all mankind,
   Have mercy upon us.
O God the Son, redeemer of all peoples,
   Have mercy upon us.
O God the Holy Spirit, sanctifier of the faithful,
   Have mercy upon us.

For the injustices we have committed by our words, actions, and ideologies,
   Forgive us.
For our responsibility in suffering, death, and warfare,
   Forgive us.
For the persecution of our brothers and sisters,
   Forgive us.
For dehumanizing and manipulating others,
   Forgive us.
For all who have suffered and perished because of our economic wealth, and those whom we have exploited,
   Forgive us.
For all who have suffered from our unjust treaties, laws, and prisons,
   Forgive us.
For the withdrawal of Christians from society because of our sloth, fear, arrogance, lukewarmness, and narrow-mindedness,
   Forgive us.

Show us, O Lord, the light of your Justice:

That we may never allow injustice by indifference or cowardice,
   Hear us, Lord.
That we may never seek to exploit others through fear, threat of violence, starvation, or slander,
   Hear us, Lord.
That we may seek peace and justice rather than power and affluence,
   Hear us, Lord.
That we may recognize political corruption and purify it,
   Hear us, Lord.
That we may rightly use our economic and military power,
   Hear us, Lord.
That the love of the Trinity may be present in our family, economic, and political life,
   Hear us, Lord.
That we may know all people as made in the image of God and treat them accordingly,
   Hear us, Lord.

Let us pray.

Almighty God, you have created us in your own image; Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil, and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice among peoples and nations, to the glory of your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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