Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Short Daily Intercession

Having a simple form of prayer for others is a good way to begin a longer period of intercession. For days when we have but little time, remembering such a short list of matters before God keeps us faithful to a fully-rounded life of prayer. This form, taken from St. Augustine’s Prayer Book (Holy Cross Publications, West Park, NY) is a classic of both brevity and clarity. I have updated the language, but would be happy to provide the Jacobean-style English if that is desired. This prayer if often used at the end of the Morning Prayers.

Lord, I pray for all the peoples of the earth, that they may be brought to know, love and serve you. I pray for your holy Church throughout the world, and especially for our own part of the Church, for our Bishop (Name), and for the priests and people of my parish (Names). I pray for the employed, that they may work as for you, and not only as for another person. I pray for the unemployed, that they may find work, and be saved from despondency. Be their strength in adversity. May the sick be healed, the hungry fed, the mourners comforted, the poor succored, and the afflicted in mind and body be firmly held in your deep peace that passes all human understanding (Names). Bless my family, bless my friends, bless my enemies, and grant us all the spirit of penitence that we may receive your forgiveness poured out to all mankind, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.


  1. Dear Father Brandon -
    Thank you for this blog. I appreciate the reminder that as long as I look to God, I need nothing else.
    Thank you too for not sweeping Thanksgiving under the carpet! It almost seems as if there is a concerted effort to simply forget this holiday. It is truly one of my favorites and I am grateful that you have focused on it.
    Blessings on you as you continue in your ministry.

  2. You are most welcome, Katie. I am thankful that you have found this blog useful. Writing for an audience which is largely unknown to one is at best an act of faith, at worst an expression of egotism. By your prayers, may this effort be the former!

    Blessings to you this and every Thanksgiving -- one of the most joyful of Holy Days in the Church Year. If you are anywhere near St. Timothy's, please do join us in worship of God the Holy Trinity that day.

