Glory to you Lord, O Lord, glory to you, glory to you who have given me sleep for the refreshing of my weakness, and to restore the labors of this fretful body.
To this day and all days, a perfect, peaceful, healthy, and sinless course:
Let us ask of the Lord.
An angel of peace, a faithful guide, guardian of soul and body, to pitch a tent around me, and always to prompt what brings salvation:
Let us ask of the Lord.
ParXdon and remission of all sins and offences:
Let us ask of the Lord.
To our souls, what is good and convenient, and peace to the world:
Let us ask of the Lord.
Repentance and discipline for the rest of our life, and health and peace to the end:
Let us ask of the Lord.
Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever pure, whatever lovely, whatever of good report, if there be any virtue, and praise, such thoughts, such deeds:
Let us ask of the Lord.
A Christian close, without sin, without blame, and if it please you without pain, and a good answer at the awesome and testing judgment-seat of Jesus Christ our Lord:
Let us ask of the Lord.
Bishop Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626, Feast Day Sept. 26),
from the Laud Manuscript of the Preces Privatae,
as translated by David Scott
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