O God, who gave your servant Ambrose grace eloquently to proclaim your righteousness in the great congregation, and fearlessly to bear reproach for the honor of your Name: Mercifully grant to all bishops and pastors such excellence in preaching and faithfulness in ministering your Word, that your people may be partakers with them of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
we commemorate the life and witness
(and more especially, the ordination to the Holy Episcopate) of St. Ambrose of
Milan, one of the greatest of leaders and theologians in the ancient and
undivided Church.
was an extraordinary person. Born into a powerful Christian family in the early
days of the Church’s legal legitimacy, he was not baptized until adulthood. He
was allowed to discern whether or not he wished to follow Christ himself. He
made his way through the ranks of the Imperial service, likely being rewarded
for his personal integrity, as revealed in the next chapter of his life.
serving as the governor of a province (quite a responsibility, showing superior
administrative skills), he found himself in the middle of a conflict over who
should be the next bishop of the important city of Milan. The two “parties” of
the day (Arian and orthodox) each had candidates, but neither had the capacity
to force their person onto the Episcopal throne. In the process of mediating
the conflict of a Church in which he was not yet a formal member, he was
himself selected by the warring parties as the best candidate! He was baptized
very quickly, and consecrated bishop immediately in a rare example of ecclesiastical
economy (making a non-precedent setting exception to canonical rules when it is
judged truly right and proper by the Church).
his years as a bishop, Ambrose fulfilled this ministry in an amazingly complete
way. He was superb teacher: thoroughly yet creatively
orthodox, he wrote a large body of works for new Christians, instructing them
in the essentials of the faith while preserving a deep respect for the ultimate
mystery of God (these catechetical works are still very useful today). He was a
gifted liturgist and hymn-writer, composing hymns to be used through the course
of the day (they are part of the Church’s “Little Hours” of prayer at 6 AM, 9
AM, Noon, and 3 PM), and introducing a variety of singing and worship practices
that greatly enriched the Western liturgical tradition. He was an inspiring
preacher and friend – it was his witness to the faith that probably finally
made Augustine realize that one could be a faithful Christian while retaining
intellectual depth and curiosity. He served as a skilled pastor, showing by
example the quality of a peaceful life of prayer, balance, and concern for the
well-being of the poor. Finally, because of his lifetime of working in the higher
circles of the State, he could “speak truth to power,” as we would say today:
when the Emperor Theodosius had many of the people in the rebellious city of
Thessalonica slaughtered, Ambrose forced him to do penance for this ghastly act
of violence. For the first time, the Church had been able to demand the Empire
to live up to the Gospel’s teachings in such matters.
who live at the "other end" of the Christian era (if one can
speak of "ends" in such a matter) must find all of this in some
ways remote and peculiar: but the requirement that bishops be about the
fullness of Apostolic witness and teaching – rather than merely ride their own
hobby-horses or retire into a life of abstruse or venial comfort – remains the
same today as it was then.
Ambrose, pray for us and for our portion of the Church in this day!
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