Friday, April 30, 2010

A General Pleading

(Especially suitable for Fridays and Fasting Seasons/Days following the Collects in the Daily Office, or as a separate devotion)
We sinners beseech you, hear us.
That it may please you to defend and exalt your Church; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to grant to your Church tranquility and peace; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to put down the enemies of God’s Holy Church; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to defend us from dangerous enemies; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to preserve N., our pastor and chief priest, and the flock committed to him; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to preserve the President and all in authority, that they may do justice and love mercy; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to preserve all orders of the Church, the clergy and laity in their ministries; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to give us celestial armor against all evil; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That you mercy and pity may keep us safe; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That you would give us the will and the power to repent in earnest; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to give us pardon of all sins; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to give us right faith, firm hope in your goodness, perfect love, and constant fear of you; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to remove evil thoughts from us; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to pour into our souls the grace of the Holy Spirit; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to give us perpetual light; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to give us a happy end; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to bring us to everlasting joys; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
That it may please you to hear us; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
Son of God; We beseech you, Lord Jesus, hear us.
O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world; Spare us.
O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world; Give us pardon.
O Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world; Hear us.
Give perfection to beginners, give intelligence to the little ones, give aid to those who are running their course. Give compunction to the negligent, give fervor of spirit to the lukewarm, give to the perfect a good consummation. Amen.
- Adapted from a prayer in Ancient Collects, by William Bright (5th ed.)

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