Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting Connected at St. Timothy's, Pt. 1

St. Timothy's Annual Pentecost Photo
When a person determines a call from God to become part of the worship community at St. Timothy’s Church, the question usually arises: “How do I get connected to news and information about the parish?” Here are some answers:

The Sunday Bulletin
Since worship is at the center of our lives as Christians, the Sunday bulletin (described in detail here) is the first place to go for upcoming events and parish news.

Sunday Announcements
Part of most Sunday liturgies is the Announcement time, occurring after the Peace is exchanged. These are brief oral notices, usually referencing something in the bulletin or the Tidings.

The Monthly Parish Newsletter: Tidings
Once you have decided to call St. Timothy’s home, you should give your contact information to the parish office, asking to have the Tidings sent to you. The newsletter contains articles from various ministry groups (called Commissions), an article from the priest, a monthly calendar, invitations to and descriptions of special worship services, and various other items about our common life. It is one of the most important sources of information in our parish. Back issues are available online here.

Weekly Electronic Notices: e-Tidings
This electronic bulletin-board is put out most weeks, usually early in the week. It combines material from the Sunday bulletin with other news, resources, and updates. Special e-Tidings are sent out with notices about late-breaking parish news. In order to receive the e-Tidings, one has to sign up via the parish web site’s main page here (currently in the lower right-hand corner).

Phone Tree
When some important news needs to be communicated to the parish, a telephone tree is activated. Please make sure the parish has your correct phone number. You may do this by sending the parish office an e-mail (

The Web Site
It goes without saying, one hopes, that the parish’s web site has a number of interesting pages with descriptions of ministries, leadership, resources for prayer, &c. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome!

That covers the “information” part of getting connected. But, there’s more (see Pt. 2 of this article)…

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