The Right Reverend George Ridding, First Bishop of Southwell |
At roughly the turn of each season, the Church sets aside a series of days (called Ember Days) to pray for its ministry. These prayers are not limited to the ordained, but prayer for those who have taken the vows of ordination is a longstanding part of this season, and for very good reason.
The ordained have a power and influence in the Church that can be used for good, or for much ill; they can be icons of Christ for many to see, or can obscure Christ for that same multitude. It is a daunting and humbling calling, and all of us who are ordained must take those vows very seriously, reflecting on the state of our vocation on a regular basis. But how?
One way is to review the vows made at the time of ordination. This sets the context and recalls the expectations placed upon us. Ordination vows, in turn, are based on our vows in Confirmation and Holy Baptism. All of these should be borne in mind as we prayerfully come before God to see the truth of our journey thus far.
But more is needed for this examination to be substantial. It is easy to run through the Ordination liturgy and perform a kind of checklist, rather than to consider the complex spiritual terrain of being under orders in the Church. This is where some other tool comes in.
For Anglicans, one of the most effective such tools ever produced was the "Litany of Remembrance" by George Ridding, first Bishop of Southwell in nineteenth-century England. This litany (sometimes referred to as the "Southwell Litany") allows for a subtle, considered, compassionate-without-delusion analysis of one's life in Holy Orders. While some parts are rather dated (and the language is, at times, deliciously Victorian), the litany as a whole is still remarkably perceptive, insightful, and bracing.
I commend this tool to all who are ordained. It addresses many of the problems that dog clergy in every era. It may prompt one to seek the benefit of confession or spiritual counsel. It may also give the reader hope in God's renewing grace, for it acknowledges from the start that we are weak, sinful, and by ourselves unable to fulfill the ministry we have been given…but that the God who called us most assuredly can (and will) make up the lack if we but turn to him in humility and faithfulness.
This is the message that all clergy, in all ages, need to hear and live by at Embertide and always!
A blessed Advent Embertide to you all!
Litany of
Commonly called “The Southwell Litany”
[Dr. George Ridding, first Bishop of Southwell, who composed
this Litany for use at meetings of his clergy, was accustomed to introduce it
with the following words:
Seeing, brethren, that we are weak men but entrusted with a
great office, and that we cannot but be liable to hinder the work entrusted to
us by our infirmities of body, soul, and spirit, both those common to all men
and those specially attaching to our office, let us pray God to save us and
help us from the several weaknesses which beset us severally, that he will make
us know what faults we have not known, that he will shew us the harm of what we
have not cared to control, that he will give us strength and wisdom to do more
perfectly the work to which our lives have been consecrated--for no less
service than the honor of God and the edifying of his Church. I will ask you to
let me first say the suffrage to each petition, and then all join in repeating
it together; after which a short pause shall be made.
Let us pray.]
O Lord, open our minds to see ourselves as Thou seest us, or
even as others see us and we see others, and from all unwillingness to know our
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From moral weakness of spirit; from timidity; from
hesitation; from fear of men and dread of responsibility, strengthen us with
courage to speak the truth in love and self-control; and alike from the
weakness of hasty violence and weakness of moral cowardice,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From weakness of judgment; from the indecision that can make
no choice; from the irresolution that carries no choice into act; and from
losing opportunities to serve Thee,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From infirmity of purpose; from want of earnest care and
interest; from the sluggishness of indolence, and the slackness of
indifference; and from all spiritual deadness of heart,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From dullness of conscience; from feeble sense of duty; from
thoughtless disregard of consequences to others; from a low idea of the
obligations of our Christian calling; and from all half-heartedness in our
service for Thee,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From weariness in continuing struggles; from despondency in
failure and disappointment; from overburdened sense of unworthiness; from
morbid fancies of imaginary backslidings, raise us to a lively hope and trust
in Thy presence and mercy, in the power of faith and prayer; and from all
exaggerated fears and vexations,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From self-conceit, vanity and boasting; from delight in
supposed success and superiority, raise us to the modesty and humility of true
sense and taste and reality; and from all harms and hindrances of offensive
manners and self-assertion,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From affectation and untruth, conscious or unconscious; from
pretence and acting a part, which is hypocrisy; from impulsive self-adaptation
to the moment in unreality to please persons or make circumstances easy,
strengthen us to manly simplicity; and from all false appearances,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From love of flattery; from over-ready belief in praise;
from dislike of criticism; from the comfort of self-deception in persuading
ourselves that others think better than the truth of us,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From all love of display and sacrifice to popularity; from
thought of ourselves in forgetfulness of Thee in our worship; hold our minds in
spiritual reverence; and in all our words and works from all
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From pride and self-will; from desire to have our own way in
all things; from overweening love of our own ideas and blindness to the value
of others; from resentment against opposition and contempt for the claims of
others; enlarge the generosity of our hearts and enlighten the fairness of our
judgments; and from all selfish arbitrariness of temper,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From all jealousy, whether of equals or superiors; from
grudging others success; from impatience of submission and eagerness for
authority; give us the spirit of brotherhood to share loyally with
fellow-workers in all true proportions; and from all insubordination to law,
order and authority,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From all hasty utterances of impatience; from the retort of
irritation and the taunt of sarcasm; from all infirmity of temper in provoking
or being provoked; from love of unkind gossip, and from all idle words that may
do hurt,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
In all times of temptation to follow pleasure, to leave duty
for amusement, to indulge in distraction and dissipation, in dishonesty and
debt, to degrade our high calling and forget our Christian vows, and in all
times of frailty in our flesh,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
In all times of ignorance and perplexity as to what is right
and best to do, do Thou, O Lord, direct us with wisdom to judge aright, order
our ways and overrule our circumstances as Thou canst in Thy good Providence;
and in our mistakes and misunderstandings,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
In times of doubts and questionings, when our belief is
perplexed by new learning, new thought, when our faith is strained by creeds,
by doctrines, by mysteries beyond our understanding, give us the faithfulness
of learners and the courage of believers in Thee; alike from stubborn rejection
of new revelations, and from hasty assurance that we are wiser than our
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
From strife and partisanship and division among the
brethren, from magnifying our certainties to condemn all differences from all
arrogance in our dealings with all men,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
Give us knowledge of ourselves, our powers and weaknesses,
our spirit, our sympathy, our imagination, our knowledge, our truth; teach us
by the standard of Thy Word, by the judgments of others, by examinations of
ourselves; give us earnest desire to strengthen ourselves continually by study,
by diligence, by prayer and meditation; and from all fancies, delusions, and
prejudices of habit, or temper, or society,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
Give us true knowledge of our brethren in their differences
from us and in their likenesses to us, that we may deal with their real selves,
not measuring their feelings by our own, but patiently considering their varied
lives and thoughts and circumstances; and in all our relations to them, from
false judgments of our own, from misplaced trust and distrust, from misplaced
giving and refusing, from misplaced praise and rebuke,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
Chiefly, O Lord, we pray Thee, give us knowledge of Thee, to
see Thee in all Thy works, always to feel Thy presence near, to hear and know
Thy call. May Thy Spirit be our will, and in all our shortcomings and
infirmities may we have sure faith in Thee,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
Finally, O Lord, we humbly beseech Thee, blot out our past
transgressions, heal the evils of our past negligences and ignorances, make us
amend our past mistakes and misunderstandings; uplift our hearts to new love,
new energy and devotion, that we may be unburdened from the grief and shame of
past faithlessness to go forth in Thy strength to persevere through success and
failure, through good report and evil report, even to the end; and in all time
of our tribulation, in all time of our prosperity,
Save us and help us,
we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.
O Christ, hear us.
Lord, have mercy upon
Christ, have mercy
upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon
Our Father…
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and
the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all forever. Amen.
Detail of the monument to Dr. Ridding in prayer at Southwell Minster |
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