A Hymn of Mary
Come, ye faithful
Loud exult, with joy
Monarch's Monarch,
From a Virgin-womb
mighty wonder!
Angel of the
Counsel, here
Sun from star, he
doth appear,
Born of maiden:
Sun that never knoweth
Star forever
gleaming bright,
Lustrous ever.
As a star its
kindred ray,
Mary doth her Child
Like in nature:
Still undimm'd the
star shines on,
And the Virgin bears
a Son,
Pure as ever.
Lebanon his cedar
To the hyssop of the
Now conformeth:
Word on high, he
doth assume
Human flesh in
Mary's womb,
God incarnate.
No longer then
Doubt not what
legends say;
Why be cast away,
A race forlorn?
Turn and this Child
That very Son of
In God's writ foretold,
A Maid hath borne.
V. The holy Mother
of God has been exalted.
R. Over choirs of
Angels, into the heavenly kingdom.
This hymn expresses
beautifully the character of the Church’s devotion to the Holy Theotokos. Her
purity, peace, and trust set an example for us of what faithful discipleship is
like. Her role as the essential human collaborator with God cannot be
downplayed or diminished without deeply disfiguring the Christian faith, for
she points the way for all of us: we must collaborate with God’s grace in order
to bear Christ into the world in the unique way each of us is able. This is the way in which we "incarnate" God's work in and through us. Mary is the icon of the Church's response to its Lord, from the Annunciation through the Pentecost, and beyond.
The Anglican Tradition has found the balance in honoring St. Mary the Virgin as the “First among the Saints” and yet
remaining firmly grounded in Scriptural language regarding her witness and
role. We are blessed to bear this message into the world on her great Feast
Day, to honor her every day in our prayers to God, and—perhaps most
significantly—to undertake to live as she did: faithfully, with courage, and
always bearing forth Christ Jesus in our words, actions, and prayers. In so doing, we join her in the eternal song of praise to God offered by all the Faithful through the ages.
The Collect for the Feast of St. Mary the Virgin
O God, you have
taken to yourself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of your incarnate Son: Grant
that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of
your eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with
you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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