The Mother of God, the most pure
Virgin, carried the true light in her arms and brought him to those who lay in
darkness. We too should carry a light for all to see and reflect the radiance
of the true light as we hasten to meet him.
(from a
sermon of St. Sophronius of Jerusalem,
c. 560 – March 11, 638)
Today is the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the
Temple, also known as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or
That last name comes from the ancient tradition of
worshippers forming a procession into the church building on this Feast, each
bearing a lamp or candle in commemoration of the words of St. Simeon recorded
in the Gospel for this day (from Luke 2):
…for my eyes have seen
your salvation,
which you have prepared in the presence of
all peoples,
a light for revelation
to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel."
Light in the midst of darkness has always
formed a major part of this feast’s significance, long before Christianity came
to the Northern regions of long winter nights. One of the central themes in the
New Testament is that of light—the Light of Christ—shining out in the darkness
of this world. There are many kinds of darkness that afflict us, and Christ is
the One Light capable of confronting and overcoming them all.
In a sermon on this feast quoted above, St. Sophronius
likens the use of lamps held by worshippers at Candlemas to the Theotokos (the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God). This brings up
some points to ponder in our “light-bearing” ministry.
The Blessed Virgin was a first-time mother when she brought
the infant Jesus to Jerusalem. Like all new mothers, she had a great deal to
learn about how to take care of a child. There were likely times when she experienced
the exasperation in this new role, and there may have been moments
when she did not practice the craft of mothering smoothly or effectively.
How many new moms have confidentially told me of forgetting
their baby asleep in the crib and starting to go out on an errand, or not knowing quite what to do at the signs of
an illness and panicking, or putting their newborn through a great deal of
unnecessary misery in order to follow a system or technique someone else
suggested as the best way to get “good results” in children? The birth of a
child is just the beginning: life afterwards can be confusing, frightening, and
often laced with humbling failure.
It is much the same with being a Christian. Baptism is just
the start. Like the young Holy Theotokos, we carry the Light of Christ into the world
each day. The way we bear that Light often shows our inexperience: we are
unskilled, anxious, or occasionally willful or even negligent. When we forget
what and whom we bear, this can become lethal; not to Christ, but to
our discipleship in him.
The Holy Eucharist, the Daily Office, spiritual direction,
confession, and the various occasions of prayer and service in a Christian’s
life are opportunities to be renewed in the knowledge of just what we carry. In these encounters, we are recalled to the
truth of what it means to be a “Little Christ” (the true meaning of
“Christian”)—one who should be likened to Christ Jesus in our being, our mind,
our will and actions.
We also shown our true identity and purpose by
looking upon the Blessed Virgin in today’s Gospel lesson. Though uniquely
called and graced, we share with her a common humanity, a common need to
learn, grow, and risk everything for the Messiah.
The Scriptural record tells us that, while there were times she did not grasp
the fullness of her son’s nature or ministry, she did not “put out the light”
or give up in bearing it.
This day also recalls the Blessed St. Simeon’s words to the
Most Holy Theotokos: "This child is destined for the falling and the
rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that the
inner thoughts of many will be revealed-- and a sword will pierce your own soul
St. Simeon's prophesy reminds us there is no way to be associated with Jesus Christ and be
insulated from the very real confrontation between life and death, love and
sin, good and evil. That confrontation is essential to the Incarnation. It began at Christ's birth, and continued
through his earthly ministry…and goes on still in the world and in the Church
(and its members) today. We still are accountable for the light we were given
at baptism and how we are carrying it. That light is no trifle: it is a flame
of love and truth.
If we become careless, that flame might burn us, or we might cover it up, or (worse
still) let it be snuffed out in us through our own neglect. And this would mean the loss
not only of light for our own journey, but for others who are groping in the
darkness of this world and crying out for the “Morning Star who knows no setting” we celebrate at Easter in the Exultet. This great Holy Day, listed as one of the Feasts of Our Lord, points us back to the true path and purposes of the light we bear. Let us be about this work with renewed delight and purpose.
The Collect for the
Feast of the Presentation
Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your
only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented
to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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